In the circuit shown in figure, the heat produced in the 5  Ω resistor due to the current flowing through it is 10 cals/s.  The heat generated in the 4  Ω resistor is

In the circuit shown in figure, the heat produced in the 5  Ω resistor due to the current flowing through it is 10 cals/s.  The heat generated in the 4  Ω resistor is

  1. A

    1 cal/s

  2. B

    2 cal/s

  3. C

    3 cal/s

  4. D

    4 cal/s

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    P5=i52R,   P5=i525i4=i52  P4i522  ×  4P4P5=15  P4=P55,    P4=104  =  2cal/s

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