The displacement-time graph of a particle executing SHM as shown in figure. Which of the following statement{s) is/are false?

The displacement-time graph of a particle executing SHM as shown in figure. Which of the following statement{s) is/are false?

  1. A

    The acceleration is maximum at t = T.

  2. B

    The force is zero at t =3T4.

  3. C

    The potential energy equals the total oscillation energy at t =T2.

  4. D

    At T/6 potential energy is equal to the kinetic energy.

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    Acceleration is maximum when displacement is maximum. Force is zero when displacement is zero and potential energy is maximum when displacement is maximum. At  T/6 displacement is 

    x= AsinωT6=Asinπ3=3A2 Potential energy 12mω23A24  kinetic energy=12mω2A21-14=12mω2A234

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