When hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of wavelength 60 nm, photo-ionization of atom occurs. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron will be

When hydrogen atom absorbs a photon of wavelength 60 nm, photo-ionization of atom occurs. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron will be

  1. A

     13.6 eV

  2. B

    7'15 eV

  3. C

     3'6 eV

  4. D

     1'9 eV

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     The energy of photon of wavelength of 60 nm will be
    =hcλ=664×10343×10860×10916×109eV=2075eV We know that binding energy of electron in ll-atom = 13.6 eV . K.E. of emitted electron = zo.7s-t3-6 = 7.15eV

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