join a team of passionate teachers dedicated to impacting lives
collaborative community of passionate educators
focus on personalised learning experiences that impact students’ lives
deliver interactive & engaging lessons with cutting-edge technology
number of doubts solved
live classes conducted by our teachers
average feedback ratings of our classes
our teachers tailor their approach to meet each student's unique needs
an educator excels only when their students excel – in and out of class!
conceptional understanding with a focus on results
join a team of passionate educators dedicated to transforming lives through innovative teaching methods & fostering professional growth
at infinity learn, we foster a vibrant and work-life balance for our teachers with a range of engaging activities & events. from team-building exercises to wellness workshops, we're committed to creating a supportive and enjoyable work environment. join our team to experience the infinity learn difference!
1. what are the subjects taught at infinity learn?
2. what are the prerequisites to becoming a live class teacher?
3. what equipment do I need to become a live class teacher?
4. do full time teachers at infinity learn only teach classes all day?
5. in what language are the live classes taught?
6. how can I check the progress of my application?
7. can I do work from home?