Strategies to Solve MCQs and MSQs: Time is the money of every test, and if you don’t manage your time well, you’ll end up regretting not answering those questions. The better you time your exam, the higher your score will be. If the test is one and a half hours long and there are 90 MCQs, each one will take one minute to complete. Very difficult, however, the goal is to answer as many MCQs as possible. I’ve seen folks regret not planning ahead for a certain area of the paper, so the first recommendation is to manage your time. In this article, we shall look at the possible strategies to solve MCQs in exams.
Educators use multiple-choice examinations because they assess a student’s critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. You may find yourself struggling with multiple-choice examinations and unsure how to perform well on them. Following some Strategies to Solve MCQs can come to your rescue when attempting any exam. Start by examining the questions to earn a decent mark on a multiple-choice exam. Then, by working strategically through the questions, respond effectively. You can also study for the exam to perform well and receive a high grade.
Let us look at some of the methods followed as Strategies to Solve MCQs.
You may be asked to write directly in the test booklet on certain multiple-choice examinations. Others will need you to write your responses in a separate answer key. Follow the directions on the exam or those provided by your teacher.
Begin by slowly and thoroughly reading the exam question. If you’re taking a physical exam, cover the alternative responses below the question with a blank sheet of paper. This will enable you to concentrate solely on the question.
Examine the question for any negative statements, such as “Choose an answer that does not describe…” Examine the question for any judgment phrases, such as “Choose the most correct response” or “Choose the best choice.”
Before you look at the various solutions to the issue, check if you can come up with a solution on your own. Consider the question and provide your response based on your prior knowledge.
Qualifiers are terms that describe certain situations or events. These will assist you in reducing the number of possible responses. There are several different types of qualifiers:
Step 1: Examine all of the Options
Examine all of the options offered to you once you’ve digested the question. In most multiple-choice tests, each question has four to six alternative responses. You may be offered only two alternatives in some circumstances.
Step 2: Remove any Responses that appear to be Inaccurate
Make a small mark next to any answers that seem to be incorrect right away. You may be aware that one or two of the answers are erroneous, or you may have a strong suspicion that they are incorrect. Remove any responses that, based on your understanding of the question, appear to be inaccurate.
Step 3: Look for a Response that Completely Answers the Question
Examine if the solution you choose completely answers the question. Avoid choosing an answer that just partially answers the question since it is almost certainly inaccurate. Trust your instincts and choose an answer that fully answers the question and appears to be accurate to you.
Step 4: Answer the Questions in the Correct Order
On the test, do not skip around and answer the questions you are familiar with first. If you’re taking a timed exam, skipping around can waste a lot of time. Work through each question one at a time to ensure that you have answered them all to your best ability.
You may lose points on the exam if you do this. Leaving questions blank may result in you receiving no points or the teacher deducting points. Choosing an answer based on your knowledge and judgment might get you an extra one or two points on the exam.
Step 1: Prepare for the Exam in Advance
Make it a point to study ahead of time for a multiple-choice exam if you want to do well. Make a study schedule for the exam and block out the time you’ll need to study. Study for the exam throughout the week coming up to it, or many days earlier.
Step 2: Get Adequate Sleep and Eat a Balanced Diet
The night before the exam, make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep. This will guarantee that you are sharp and ready for the examination on the day of the exam. You should eat a good meal the night before the exam and the morning of the exam as well.
Remove any alternatives that are either utterly ludicrous or that you know to be untrue. Scrutinize the rest and come up with key terms that tie them to your notes. Use the graphics and material provided to assist you, then go over the question again.
Try to rule out everything that you believe is incorrect. You've just quadrupled your chances of answering it right if you can remove two of the four options. Apart from that, simply attempt to study the topic.
Always go with your gut instinct. If you initially thought the answer was letter A, but then circled B, erase it and circle letter A. Unless you are certain that there is a compelling reason to change, stick with your first choices.