Organic compounds are molecules primarily composed of carbon, hydrogen, and other elements like oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. These compounds can exist in solid, liquid, or gaseous states, and their vast diversity is due to the versatile bonding nature of carbon atoms.
Organic compounds are categorized into two types: Structure-based and functional group-based.
Heterocyclic Compounds: Alicyclic heterocyclic compounds and Aromatic heterocyclic compounds are the two primary groups of heterocyclic compounds.
Homocyclic or carbocyclic Compounds: Compounds that are homocyclic or carbocyclic are classified into two types. The first is known as an Alicyclic compound, whereas the second is known as an Aromatic compound.
Aromatic Compound Classification: Aromatic chemicals are distinguished by their stability, which is why they are associated with aromaticity, which is primarily concerned with odor.
A functional group is a mechanism through which a molecule obtains its characteristic chemical characteristics from one or more atoms in the molecule.
Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds. In contrast, inorganic chemistry is the study of all substances that do not include carbon molecules.
Physical properties of organic molecules of interest often give both quantitative and qualitative information. The melting point, boiling point, and refraction index are all quantitative values. Odour, durability, solubility, and colour are examples of qualitative qualities.