Before we learn what it is, let us try to understand the digestion process that takes place. The small intestine absorbs most of the water in the intestines. Most of the digested food is absorbed when this content reaches the end of the small intestine. Water forms all of this. Some of these other things are:
The first part of the large intestine is known as the colon. It absorbs most of the remaining liquid. This results in feces, a little more solid waste. The rectum, the last part of the large intestine, is where the feces are stored. When this stool flows out of the body through the anus, it is called egestion.
The fact that flexible food bags or vacuoles form near any food eaten in amoeba is astounding. Digestive enzymes are then released from the inside of the sacs, resulting in a slow digestion of food particles. They reach the extremity of the protoplasm when digestion is almost complete.
These sacs eventually attach to the cell membrane, leading to the formation of a channel. The bag then slowly picks up the cell membrane and releases the contents. This is the best way to understand the digestive process.
Egestion comes in complex forms too. The meanings of the words “excretion” and “gestion” are so similar that they can be exchanged in different contexts. Also known as termination.
The peristaltic movement in the large intestine of mammals helps to remove indigestible food from their bodies.
Let us now learn about egestion in animals, and humans.
Let us consider an amoeba as an example. Amoeba does not have a specific place to eliminate indigestible food. When a large amount of undigested food accumulates inside the amoeba, the cell membrane breaks down at any time and the unsaturated food is released outside the amoeba body.
Living organic vacuoles end up in contact with the cell membrane and explode, releasing undigested debris on the outside.
Egestion in complex animals (like humans)
The process of constipation in humans and other high animals involves the contraction of the muscles of the colon walls, which carry sewage to the rectum. The rectum ampulla is used to temporarily retain feces.
During egestion, the rectal walls expand as feces accumulate. Extensor nerves in the rectal walls are caused, the rectal muscles contract repeatedly, the internal sphincter relaxes and the skeletal structure of the outer contracts of the anal sphincter.
As a result, there is a strong need to remove sewage. When this is not done, peristaltic receding waves occur, when the material returns to the colon to absorb more water and to retain it until the next wave of colonic muscle activity descends.
The Valsalva maneuver was made during the release. That is, air is forced out through a closed air channel. As the diaphragm in the chest is thrown down, the lungs stop breathing. This puts a strain on the digestive system.
In humans, digestion is the removal of waste products from the body, especially digestive substances from the intestines through the anus. Excretion, when waste products resulting from the body’s metabolism are removed, should not be thrown into the heat.
All digested food products, as well as the minerals and vitamins the body needs, should be removed from the running parts as they reach the end of the small intestine.
Unprocessed food components, such as cellulose, from plant-based foods are discarded. The contents of the small intestine later pass into the large intestine.
In unicellular organisms, raw foods are transported to the cell membrane and excreted from the body through constipation. Not all eukaryotic animals have a digestive system. The hydra’s gut sac processes food and is not digested by mouth.
High animal digestive processes are very flexible and flexible. Unprocessed food goes into the large intestine after it is digested and enters the body.
In the large intestine, excess moisture, electrolytes and several vitamins are absorbed. The large intestine does not have the function of digestion. Many bacteria can be found in it, attempting to break down other digestive compounds that result in the production of certain vitamins.
Since a portion of human food cannot be eaten and digested, it must be eliminated from the body. This is what happens to human digestion. Unprocessed food residues accumulate in the colon. It is usually excreted in the body by the colon and anus (or cloaca). Peristaltic waves push parts into the anus. As the animal’s body uses more water, the digested food particles released are either semisolid or thickened. This is how digestion in a person happens.
The act or process of removing raw foods such as feces is known as digestion. Breaking means passing on uncooked food or objects.
The main difference between sucking and sucking is that swallowing is the process of putting food into the body, while digestion is the process of removing waste from the body.
Content extracted during the digestion phase is a non-digestible matter from the digestive process. The process of metabolic waste is known as excretion.