The mental health of college students is currently gaining a lot of attention. The number and severity of psychiatric issues reported on campuses has risen considerably in recent years. According to a recent survey, 64% of respondents cited mental health difficulties as a factor for dropping out of college. The top two factors that affect individual students ’ academic achievement, according to students, are stress and anxiety.
Universities are debating how to handle this critical public health issue. A comprehensive plan is required, one that draws on all members of the university community to commit to a common vision that promotes student learning and well-being. This leads to the topic I’d like to look into: Are there any methods that teachers can use in their classes to support this vision? Although many instructors may believe it is not their role or that they lack the training to operate as de facto counselors, there are instructional practices that can assist student learning and well-being, the majority of which are simple to adopt.
The atmosphere of a class can have an impact on students’ learning experiences and development. As a result, the teacher should create a learning environment in which students feel comfortable and protected, and where they are encouraged to address difficulties and ask questions. Adopting a teenager teaching perspective is critical for building a learning and well-being environment for students. This entails establishing active engagement experiences in which student needs, interests, and curiosity lead to education. The instructor takes on the role of facilitator, collaborating with students to co-create the learning experience.
Positive doctoral and student-student connections flourish in supportive learning settings. In my experience teaching first-year students, I’ve understood how critical it is for them to recognize that there are people at school who care about their lives and futures, professors who care about their students’ academic performance and personal well-being. Faculty members can express their concerns in a variety of ways, including through listening, expressing mutual respect, and demonstrating empathy. Students are more likely to follow a teacher’s advice about campus support facilities such as learning centers and counseling services if they believe the teacher cares.
When caring teachers encourage them to participate in health and fitness activities, clubs and organizations, and regular contact with their advisor, they may pay more attention. Support workers can be invited to class to introduce themselves and provide information about their services to pupils. Peer mentors can also help to create a positive learning atmosphere. Peer mentors can play an important role in helping students deal with the many obstacles they may face in college, according to research.
Teaching practices, in addition to the learning environment, influence course experiences and outcomes. Several teaching strategies involve students in academic learning while also meeting their personal and social needs.
CRP (culturally relevant pedagogy) is an excellent example. It makes use of students’ different cultural backgrounds to enrich the learning experience. Encouraging students to express their life stories and integrating learning into students’ life outside of school are two strategies for participating in CRP. Teachers can also support students’ learning and well-being by providing chances for social engagement. Peer relationships can boost learning by encouraging the exchange of ideas and fostering a sense of belongingness.
Students rated building connections with classmates as the most essential aspect in developing their sense of belonging in a study I performed in my first-year lecture. Community building activities, assignments requiring students to attend campus activities with classmates, joining group activities, and participating in group and outreach programs can all help students feel more at home in their classes. Forming friendships with classmates, according to the students in the study, helped them grow their networks of friends, made them feel “at home,” and enhanced their participation in campus activities.
Individual students, instructors, and the institution all benefit from implementing teaching approaches that promote student learning and well-being. Students’ learning experiences may result in positive interactions with their professors and peers on a personal level. These interactions can offer students a sense of support, which can help them cope with worry and stress while also helping them succeed academically.
At the faculty level, adopting a holistic approach to teaching and learning allows instructors to make a significant contribution to mental health issues while also assisting students in achieving success in college and beyond. Universities can demonstrate a strong commitment to addressing this important health risk at the institutional level by adopting a comprehensive integrated approach and providing the resources needed to support the endeavor.
Listen more than you speak. Take control of the conversation. Allow pupils to express their emotions by providing opportunities for them to do so. Encourage children to write or paint about their feelings and experiences.
The level of participation and motivation to study are inextricably tied to a child's happiness. The three qualities of effective learning in the EYFS — playing and exploring, learning, and creating or thinking critically – correspond with the signs of involvement.
The findings suggest that teaching methods and learning environments have a beneficial impact on student accomplishment, implying that competent teaching and a positive learning environment are likely to promote student learning.
Make sure to check in with students and parents on a frequent basis. Positive teacher-student interactions have been shown to boost student learning, especially during stressful situations, according to research. This holds true for online learning as well. Schedule routine checks with your pupils to help create relationships.
Young people's well-being is crucial to their learning and development. According to research, children's well-being has an impact on their ability to participate in school. Learning and happiness are inextricably intertwined. Children and adolescents who are in good health are more engaged and successful students.