BlogNCERTDifferent Types of Graphs

Different Types of Graphs


Line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, scatter plots, and histograms are all common graph types. Graphs are an excellent tool for visualizing data and presenting statistics. A bar graph or chart, for example, is used to depict numerical data that is unrelated to one another.When working with numbers and statistics, it’s critical to incorporate data visualization into your efforts. Having pictures to represent your facts can substantially help your audience understand your argument, regardless of what you’re generating. Graphs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The option you choose is determined by the type of data you’re collecting and the information you wish to send. Each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. There are many different sorts of graphs, which you will learn about in this article.

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    The term graph refers to a graphical representation of data that is well-organized. Different data points that reflect the link between two or more objects are generally used to create charts.We’ve all heard the cliché that a picture can tell a thousand stories. A graph, on the other hand, may say a thousand words and tell a multitude of stories.On a graph, each point, stroke colour, and shape has a different meaning that aids in reading the graphic. The charts come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some having only points, others having themes connected by lines, and so on.

    Types of Graphs and Charts

    The following is a list of the most often used graph types:

    • Graphs of Statistics (bar graph, pie graph, line graph, etc.)
    • Exponential Graphs are a type of graph that is used to represent a
    • Graphs with a Logarithmic Scale
    • Graphs with trigonometric functions
    • Graph of Frequency Distribution

    All of these graphs are used in a variety of places to concisely depict a certain collection of facts. Each of these graphs (or charts) is described in detail below, which will not only help you understand them better but will also help you choose the correct type of graph for a given data collection.

    Statistical Graphs

    The pictorial display of statistical data in graphical form is known as a statistical graph or chart. Statistical graphs are used to illustrate a set of data in order to make statistical information easier to grasp and analyze. The following are the several types of graphs that are widely used in statistics.

    Types of Graphs in Statistics

    Bar, line, histogram, and pie charts are the four fundamental graphs used in statistics. These are briefly explained here.

    Bar Graph

    Bar graphs are visual representations of organized data in vertical or horizontal rectangular bars, with bar length proportional to data measure. The horizontal axis of the chart shows category data, while the vertical axis represents discrete data.File:Bar graph.svg - Wikimedia Commons

    Line Graph

    A line graph is a graph that uses points and lines to describe changes over time. To put it another way, it’s a graph that shows a line connecting numerous points or a line that depicts the relationship between the points. With a straight line or curve connecting a series of succeeding data points, the graphic illustrates quantitative data between two changing variables. On a vertical and horizontal axis, linear charts compare these two variables.File:Cratfield population line graph.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


    A histogram graphic uses connected rectangular bars to show the frequency of discrete and continuous values in a dataset. A rectangle bar represents the number of observations that fall into a preset class interval.

    Pie Chart

    A pie chart is a visual representation of a dataset’s numerical proportions. This graph consists of dividing a circle into multiple sectors, each representing the proportion of a specific element as a whole. This is also known as a circle graph or circle chart.

    Exponential Graphs

    The depiction of exponential functions using a table of values and drawing the points on graph paper is known as exponential graphs. It’s worth noting that exponential functions are logarithmic functions’ inverses. Based on the function, the graph of exponential charts can be a rising or decreasing form of the curve. Below is an example that will help you grasp the concept of charting exponential functions quickly.The graph of y = 3x, for example, is increasing, whereas the graph of y = 3-x is falling.File:Exponential Decay Function.png - Wikipedia

    Logarithmic Graphs

    Exponential functions are the inverse of logarithmic functions, and the graphing methods are comparable. To plot logarithmic graphs, first, create a table of values, then plot the points on graph paper accordingly. Any log function’s graph will be the inverse of an exponential function’s graph. To help you understand, I’ve included an example.File:Logarithmic Scales.svg - Wikimedia Commons

    Trigonometric Graphs

    The sine function, cosine function, tangent function, cotangent function, cosec function, and sec function are among the six trigonometric functions displayed here. To understand more about the graphs of each function, as well as their maximum and lowest values and solved instances, refer to trigonometry graphs.
    File:Secant.svg - Wikimedia Commons

    Frequency Distribution Graph

    The frequency of the outcomes in a sample is represented by a frequency distribution graph. The table of values for frequency distribution graphs is created by inserting the outcomes in one column and the number of times they appear (frequency) in the other. The cumulative frequency graph or ogive can be plotted using this table, which is known as the frequency distribution table.
    File:Momentum frequency distribution.svg - Wikimedia Commons
    The term graph has been addressed in this article. Then we went over some of the many sorts of graphs, such as bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, histograms, and so on. Finally, we looked at different forms of graphs in discrete mathematics, followed by some solved instances and a few frequently asked questions. Line graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, scatter plots, and histograms are all common graph types. Graphs are an excellent tool for visualising data and presenting statistics. A bar graph or chart, for example, is used to depict numerical data that is unrelated to one another. When working with numbers and statistics, it’s critical to incorporate data visualisation into your efforts. Having pictures to represent your facts can substantially help your audience understand your argument, regardless of what you’re generating. Graphs come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

    Types of graph FAQs

    What is the type of graph?

    The type of graph refers to the specific form or structure used to represent data, such as bar graphs, line graphs, or pie charts.

    What are the 4 types of graphs in science?

    The four main types of graphs used in science are bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and scatter plots. Each type is used to represent different kinds of data and relationships.

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