While everyone has their unique test preparation approach and study regimen, they all end up crumbling under pressure or when worry sets in. If you’re feeling under a lot of strain owing to a lack of preparation time, we’ve put up a comprehensive study plan to help you prepare better for the JEE Mains test.
This will not only provide you with useful information but will also boost your chances of passing the exam. The goal is to stick to the study schedule for as long as feasible. While maintaining such high levels of efficiency is unachievable, at least 8 hours of study every day is doable.
In this part, we’ll go over some crucial JEE preparation strategies that can help you study more efficiently and be well-prepared for the exam.
When it comes to subject-specific preparation, we recommend that you devote sufficient time and attention to each of the three subjects: physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
It is incorrect to disregard the curriculum entirely. There are several advantages to knowing the JEE Main curriculum. You will obtain vital insights and information about crucial chapters and subjects that you should focus on, the authors' and question setters' intentions, and a variety of other useful facts by gaining a thorough overview of the syllabus. This will also assist you in establishing a well-organized JEE Main test preparation approach.
In most cases, chemistry entails a large number of reactions, processes, and equations. Furthermore, when studying chemistry for JEE, you should become familiar with and understand all of the terms, symbols, and diagrams. Normally, you may prepare effectively for this portion using the NCERT books.
You should obtain and add to your preparation the books that are truly valuable. Many people prefer NCERT books, however there are other excellent publications to which you may turn to obtain a thorough understanding of particular concepts and themes.