On January 20th, 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged with students and parents at the "Pariksha Pe Charcha" event, encouraging learners to communicate with him "without a filter." The interactive session took place at the Talkatora Stadium in Delhi and was broadcasted for public viewing on YouTube, allowing people from across the nation to participate. During this session, the Prime Minister addressed numerous pressing issues and offered valuable advice to the audience.
In his address, Prime Minister Modi touched on several important themes. One of the key moments was when he discussed handling disappointments and setbacks, drawing from his personal experience with the Chandrayaan mission. He shared how he was advised not to attend the launch due to uncertainties around the mission's success. Despite the challenges, he chose to attend, emphasizing the importance of being present in moments of both success and failure.
A special feature of the event was that students had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the Prime Minister. In total, the Prime Minister answered 16 questions from students this year, although the previous year, he had answered just 10. The questions covered a wide range of topics, reflecting the concerns and aspirations of the youth.
Here’s a look at some of the engaging discussions and insights from the event:
Mayank, a student from Bloomingdale, Uttarakhand, asked whether grades still hold value, citing examples like Mark Zuckerberg, who succeeded despite not following traditional academic paths. The Prime Minister responded that while grades are an important milestone, they are not the only measure of success. Today’s job market values diverse skills and experiences, and companies increasingly look for practical knowledge and creativity, not just academic achievements.
The Prime Minister stressed the importance of extracurricular activities (ECAs) in maintaining a balanced schedule. He pointed out how, in the past, academics were often seen as the only path to success, while today, a well-rounded education is increasingly seen as vital. However, he also cautioned against treating ECAs as just another pressure on students, warning that some families push their children into various activities purely for the sake of competition or status, rather than genuine interest or growth.
In today’s digital age, the Prime Minister urged students to view technology as an ally in learning, rather than something to be afraid of. He encouraged students to harness technology to enhance their education, pointing out that it is essential to use tech tools effectively rather than being consumed by them. Embracing new technological advancements can open up vast learning opportunities.
The 2020 edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha was the third installment of this series, which began in 2018. Students were selected to ask questions after participating in an essay contest organized by the HRD Ministry. The themes of the contest included “Appreciation is Wonderful,” “Your Career is in Your Hands,” “Evaluating Exams,” “Our Responsibilities,” “Your Futures,” and “Balance is Beautiful.” This year, the HRD Ministry received an impressive 2.6 lakh applications from students.
To ensure that more students could benefit from this valuable interaction, the Haryana government ordered all state and private educational institutions, as well as public and government institutions, to make arrangements for students to watch the event. On February 16th, Prime Minister Modi will also engage with college and university students to discuss reducing academic pressures. The session will be broadcast live on national channels like Doordarshan DD National, DD News, and DD India.
In his address, the Prime Minister spoke about the dramatic technological advancements over the last few decades, noting that the pace of change in the past 40–50 years has been far more rapid than in the previous 200–300 years. He highlighted how innovation and technological interventions are constantly reshaping the world and society. The shift from a time when changes occurred slowly to today, where technological leaps are made almost every year, has fundamentally altered our way of life. He stressed that students must embrace these changes to stay ahead in their careers and education.
In his speech, Prime Minister Modi also emphasized the rising power of India’s middle class. He spoke passionately about how India is steadily working towards eradicating poverty and how the country’s natural resources and human capital, especially with its young population, have the potential to propel India to global leadership. He mentioned that the efforts to eliminate poverty are already making significant strides, and the middle class is expanding rapidly.
He also noted that India’s scheduled caste and Muslim communities are benefitting the most from this economic transformation. As a result, they are emerging from poverty at the fastest rate. This shift, Modi suggested, will contribute to the nation's growth and development, with significant socio-economic changes in the coming years.
Prime Minister Modi’s address at Pariksha Pe Charcha 2020 highlighted the importance of a balanced approach to academics, the value of technology in education, and the need to foster extracurricular interests alongside traditional learning. By sharing his personal experiences and offering advice, the Prime Minister encouraged students to face challenges with resilience, embrace new learning tools, and pursue their goals without being burdened by undue pressure.
The event also served as a reminder of how far India has come in terms of economic progress and how technology and innovation are shaping the future. As students continue to navigate their educational paths, such dialogues are crucial in helping them understand the changing dynamics of success, happiness, and well-being in today's world.
By engaging with the youth directly, Prime Minister Modi set a valuable example of leadership, offering the next generation a roadmap for overcoming challenges and realizing their potential
There isn't any sloppiness in the endeavor. Family, instructors, and children are all making a sincere attempt. What occurs before tests is that you recall the topic even after preparing, however you can't remember the word!
The Prime Minister emphasized to pupils that attention is not as difficult to achieve as it is made out to be. We can all focus incredibly effectively in some situations, such as listening and understanding a favorite song, which after our full attention is drawn to the music, lyric, and the video. You must understand what the motives and elements are.
According to the logic of either war or athletics, we must play on our own turf, according to Modi. He recommended that comparing oneself to a classmate who is a distinct individual is inappropriate as an autonomous, separate person. The surroundings, experiences, and growth of the other individual are all very different. One of the most serious issues, he informed the pupils, is not understanding or based learning.