BlogNCERTList of Inorganic Chemistry Chapters for Class 11

List of Inorganic Chemistry Chapters for Class 11

Inorganic chemistry forms a fundamental part of the Class 11 syllabus, providing students with a solid foundation in the study of elements and compounds. Let’s discuss about the chapters covered in Class 11 inorganic chemistry and understand their significance in simple terms.

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    Inorganic Chemistry Class 11 Chapters List

    Below are the chapters of Inorganic Chemistry Class 11-

    Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

    This chapter introduces students to the fundamental concepts of chemistry, such as the mole concept, stoichiometry, and chemical equations. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry offer comprehensive explanations and exercises to reinforce learning.

    Also Check: Mole Concept Class 11 MCQs With Answer PDF

    Structure of Atom

    Here, students learn about the structure of atoms, including subatomic particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons. They explore concepts such as atomic number, mass number, and electronic configuration, which are crucial for understanding chemical behavior. NCERT Exemplar solutions class 11 chemistry provide additional practice for mastering these concepts.

    Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

    This chapter focuses on the classification of elements based on their properties and the periodic table. Students learn about the periodic trends in properties such as atomic size, ionization energy, and electronegativity, which help predict the behavior of elements. NCERT Books offer detailed explanations of these concepts for a thorough understanding.

    Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

    In this chapter, students explore the various types of chemical bonds, including ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. They also study the shapes of molecules and the factors that influence bond formation, providing insights into the structure of compounds. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry offer step-by-step solutions to exercises for effective practice.

    Must Read: Toughest and Easiest Chapters in Class 11 Chemistry

    States of Matter

    Here, students learn about the three states of matter – solid, liquid, and gas – and the behavior of substances in each state. They explore concepts such as intermolecular forces, vapor pressure, and phase transitions, gaining a deeper understanding of the physical properties of matter. NCERT Exemplar solutions provide additional problems for practice and reinforcement.


    Understanding the chapters of inorganic chemistry in Class 11 lays the groundwork for advanced studies in chemistry. With NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry and NCERT Exemplar solutions class 11 chemistry, students can grasp these concepts with ease and confidence, paving the way for success in their academic journey.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 11

    FAQs on Inorganic Chemistry Class 11 Chapters List

    What are the inorganic chemistry chapters in class 11?

    Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure and States of Matter are the inorganic chemistry chapters in class 11.

    How many chapters are in 11th class chemistry?

    There are 14 chapters in the class 11 chemistry in the syllabus provided by CBSE are divided into units for marks distribution.

    Is inorganic chemistry easy?

    Inorganic Chemistry poses unique challenges within the realm of Chemistry. It encompasses the study of atoms and their characteristics, molecular bonds, the elemental composition of substances, as well as the arrangement of molecules.

    Can I study inorganic chemistry from NCERT?

    In the JEE Advanced examination, inorganic chemistry is often considered one of the easier sections. Questions typically revolve around common topics covered in inorganic chemistry. While some questions may blend inorganic concepts with physical or organic chemistry to increase complexity, relying on NCERT textbooks is sufficient for answering approximately 90% of inorganic questions.

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