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A particle of mass m is initially at rest at the origin. It is subjected to a force and starts moving along the x-axis. Its kinetic energy K changes with time as  dKdt=γt, where γ is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions. Which of the following statements is (are) true?

The force applied on the particle is constant
The speed of the particle is proportional to time
The distance of the particle from the origin increases linearly with time
The force is conservative

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Correct option is A

dKdt=yt as K=12mv2∴dKdt=mvdvdt=yt∴m∫0v vdv=y∫0t tdt⇒mv22=yt22⇒v=ymt⇒a=dvdt=ym= Constant  and S=12at2=12ymt2 Since F=ma∴F=mym=ym= Constant Since force applied is constant, it is conservative in nature.

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