
Tri alkyl aluminium molecules exist as dimers which contain 3c – 2e bonds. The co –ordination number of bridged carbon is

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answer is 5.

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Select the correct statement(s) regarding structure of Al2 (CH3)6 .

Tri-alkyl aluminium (\( R_3Al \)) molecules:

  • Tri-alkyl aluminium compounds exist as dimers (\( (R_3Al)_2 \)) to satisfy the electron deficiency of the aluminium atom.
  • The dimeric structure contains 3-center-2-electron (3c-2e) bonds, where two aluminium atoms and one bridged carbon atom share a pair of electrons.
  • Each bridged carbon atom is bonded to:
    • Two aluminium atoms through the 3c-2e bond.
    • Three other alkyl groups attached to the carbon atom.
Coordination Number of Bridged Carbon:

The coordination number is the total number of atoms directly bonded to the bridged carbon atom. This includes:

  • Two aluminium atoms (through the bridge bonds).
  • Three alkyl groups attached to the carbon atom.

Total coordination number: 2 (Al) + 3 (alkyl) = 5.

Answer: The coordination number of the bridged carbon is 5.

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