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Arrange the following steps of enzyme catalytic cycle in correct sequence.
A. Alteration of shape of enzyme for fitting the substrate more tightly into the active site.
B. Diffusion of substrate towards the active site of enzyme.
C. Breaking of chemical bonds of the substrate.
D. Release of products of reaction 
E. Binding of substrate to the active site of enzyme.

B → C → D → A → E
B → E → A → C → D
B → A → E → C → D
B → E → D → A → C

detailed solution

Correct option is B

In the catalytic cycle of enzyme action, initially the substrate diffuses towards the active site of enzyme, fits into the active site of enzyme, the structural change in the active site of enzyme makes the close fitting of substrate in the active site, bonds of the substrate are broken to form products and later the products and enzyme are freed from each other due to release of products.

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