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Choose the correct match.

Pinnate compound leaf - China-rose
Whorled phyllotaxy  - Calotropis
Alternate phyllotaxy - Mustard
Compound leaf - Guava

detailed solution

Correct option is C

Alternate phyllotaxy - China rose, Mustard, Sun flower, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, most of the LiliaceaeOpposite phyllotaxy - Calotropis, GuavaWhorled phyllotaxy - Alstonia, NeriumSimple leaves - Mustard, Guava, Calotropis, Sunflower, China-rose, Brassicaceae, Solanaceae, most of the LiliaceaePinnate compound leaves - Neem, Pea, FabaceaePalmate compound leaves - Silk cotton, Clover, Oxalis, Marselia

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