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Choose the correct statements.

A. Modified stems of Citrus protect the plant from browsing animals

B. Modified stem of ginger acts as organ of perennation

C. Modified branch of pineapple arises from underground portion of stem.

D. Spines are modified leaves of Bougainvillea.

B, C and D
A, B and C
A, C and D
A, B, C and D

detailed solution

Correct option is B

Bougainvillea has modified stem or axillary bud known as thorn but not the leaf modification spines. Citrus has modified aerial stem known as thorn which protects the plant from browsing animals. Pineapple has suckers which arise from basal underground portion of stem, which initially grows horizontally in the soil and eventually becomes aerial leafy shoot. Ginger has underground storage stem that acts as organ of perennation.

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