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Choose the incorrect statement among the following. 

Higher plants show both asexual and sexual mode of reproduction.
Algae and Fungi which usually reproduce asexually, shift to sexual reproduction in unfavourable conditions.
Sexual reproduction is elaborate, complex and slow process compared to asexual reproduction.
Terror of Bengal reproduces vegetatively by bulbils.

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Correct option is D

Terror of Bengal is also known as Water hyacinth and scientifically it is Eichhornia princeps. It was introduced into our country because of its attractive flowers and peculiar shape of its leaves. It is a free-floating hydrophyte and reproduces vegetatively by offsets and not by bulbils.  Algae and fungi usually reproduce asexually and shift to sexual reproduction in unfavourable conditions. Sexual reproduction is elaborate, complex and slow process. Higher plants show both asexual and sexual modes of reproduction.

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