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If E. coli having heavy DNA was allowed to grow for 80 minutes on a medium containing 14NH4Cl then what would be the proportions of light and hybrid densities DNA molecule?


80minutes= 80/20= 4 generations

Initially DNA contain 15N15N

Then it is placed in a medium containing 14N for 3 generation.

After 1st generation:

15N15N→ 15N14N    15N14N (2 Hybrid DNA molecules)

After 2nd generation

15N14N    15N14N → 15N14N    14N14N   15N14N    14N14N (2 light DNA and 2 Hybrid DNA molecules)

After 3rd generation:

15N14N    14N14N   15N14N    14N14N → 15N14N    14N14N   14N14N   14N14N 15N14N    14N14N   14N14N   14N14N (6 light DNA and 2 hybrid DNA molecules)

After 4th generation

2(15N14N) → 2 (15N14N    14N14N)

6(14N14N) → 6 (14N14N   14N14N)

Total no. of light DNA= 14

Total no. of Hybrid DNA= 2

% of light DNA= 87.5%

% of light DNA= 12.5%

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