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Lichen has the following components-
A. Autotrophic prokaryote and heterotrophic eukaryote 
B. Heterotrophic prokaryote and autotrophic eukaryote.
C. Autotrophic eukaryote and heterotrophic eukaryote.
D. Autotrophic prokaryote and heterotrophic prokaryote. 

A and B are correct
C and D are correct
A and C are correct
B and D are correct

detailed solution

Correct option is C

A lichen is formed by the association of an alga known as phycobiont and a fungus known as mycobiont. The alga may be green alga which is eukaryote and autotrophic or a blue green alga which is prokaryote and autotrophic. The Mycobiont is always heterotrophic eukaryote belongs to either ascomycetes or basidiomycetes. Lichens are sensitive to air pollution and indicators of air pollution.

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