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The Leaf


Match the following 

 List – I List – II
A)Storage fibrous rootsI)Nepenthes
B)Stems modified for photosynthesisII)Asparagus
C)Stems modified for perennationIII)Euphorbia
D)Leaves modified for giving support to the weak stemsIV)Potato


In Asparagus the some of the fibrous roots are modified to store food materials and such roots are called Fasciculated roots. In Euphorbia thirucalli, the stems and branches are cylindrical, fleshy and green to carryout photosynthesis. In potato, the branches are underground with swollen apices and known as stem tubers which not only store food materials but also help in perennation and vegetative propagation. In Nepenthes the petiole is modified to give support by becoming tendril and also photosynthesis by being in color and the lamina is modified as pitcher like trap to trap insects. 

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