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The Flower


Match the List I with List II and choose the correct match with respect to ovary of Gynoecium.

 List – I List – II
A)One chamber and one ovule I)Pea
B)One chamber, many ovules and one carpelII)Sunflower
C)One chamber, many ovules, more than one carpel.III)Lemon
D)More than one carpel, usually more than one chamber and many ovulesIV)Primrose  


Sunflower has basal placentation in which ovary has one locule and a single ovule but the number of carpels is two. In plants with free central placentation like Primrose, the locule is one, ovules are many at the center and has more than one carpel. In plants like Pea the ovary has one locule but has many ovules and the pistil has only one carpel. In plant like lemon where the number of carpels are many, many locules in the ovary and has many seeds on axile placentation. 

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