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Kingdom Protista


Read the following lists and identify the correct match

 List - I List - II
AChrysophytesIOne flagellum lies longitudinally and other transversely in furrow between wall plates
BDinoflagellatesIIEpitheca over hypotheca which fit together as in a soap box
CEuglenoidsIIIPlasmodium causes Malaria which has staggering effect on human population
DSlime mouldsIVPlasmodium may grow and spread over several feet
  VThe pigments identical to those present in higher plants


Chrysophytes- Epitheca over hypotheca which fit together as in a soap box, Dinoflagellates- One flagellum lies longitudinally and other transversely in furrow between wall plates, Euglenoids- The pigments identical to those present in higher plants, Slime moulds- Plasmodium may grow and spread over several feet.

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