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Refer to the given figures of bacteria cell and Nostoc and choose the option which shows correct label for the structures marked as A, B, C, D an d E ?

A – Cell wall, B – Cell membrane, C – Heterocyst,D – DNA, E – Mucilagenous sheath
A – Cell wall, B – Cell membrane, C – DNA,D – Heterocyst, E – Mucilagenous sheath
A – Mucilagenous sheath, B – Cell membrane,C – DNA, D – Heter ocyst, E – Cell wall
A – Cell membrane, B – Cell wall, C – DNA,D – Heterocyst, E – Mucilagenous sheath

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Correct option is B

A : Cell wallB : Cell membraneC : DNA or nucleoidD : HeterocystE : Mucilagenous sheath

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