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Description of Some Important Families


Study List I and List II. Match them and choose the correct match

 List – I List – II
A)Brassicaceaei)Trilocular ovary
B)Fabaceaeii)Parietal placentation
C)Solanaceaeiii)Monocarpellary ovary
D)Liliaceaeiv)Swollen placental axis


Brassicaceae members show parietal placentation in which the ovary is bicarpellary unilocular with replum dividing the single locule into two locules. Fabaceae has monocarpellary ovary with single locule and ovules on marginal placentation. Solanaceae has axile placentation with swollen placental axis in the bicarpellary syncarpous ovary. Liliaceae has tricarpellary syncarpous trilocular superior ovary with ovules on axile placentation

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