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Which of the following is true for euglenoids?

Flagella of euglenoid is made of flagellin protein
Isogamous type of sexual reproduction is commonly observed
Eye spot along with paraflagellar body is photosensitive that helps the Euglena to perceive the light.
Contractile vacuoles help the euglenoids to float on the surface of water.

detailed solution

Correct option is C

Eye spot along with paraflagellar body is photosensitive that helps the Euglena to perceive the light. It consists of number of reddish granules of carotenoid pigment astaxanthin.Flagella of euglenoid is made of tubulin protein and has 9+2 arrangement of microtubules.Under favourable condition, euglenoids reproduce by simple longitudinal binary fission. Sexual reproduction not discovered yet.Contractile vacuole helps in osmoregulation and excretion.

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