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Kingdom Fungi


Which one of the followings matches is correct? 


Alternaria is an example of Deuteromycetes. It causes early blight of potato. Deuteromycetes are also known as imperfect fungi as sexual reproduction is absent in them. 

Mucor is an example of zygomycetes. Zygomycetes is also known as conjugation fungi as plasmogamy in these fungi takes place by conjugation.

Agaricus is the common edible mushroom. They belong to basidiomycetes. They are not parasitic in nature. 

Phytophthora belongs to oomycetes. They have mycelium which is aseptate and coenocytic. 

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Which one of the following matches is correct?

1.PhytophthoraAseptate myceliumBasidiomycetes
2.Alternaria  Sexual reproduction absentDeuteromycetes
3.Mucor Reproduction by conjugation Ascomycetes
4.Agaricus Sac-fungi Basidiomycetes

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