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Among the following complexes (K to P),
K3FeCN6K,CoNH36Cl3L,Na3Cooxalate3M,NiH2O6Cl2N,K2PtCN4O, and ZnH2O6NO32P
The diamagnetic complexes are:

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By Expert Faculty of Sri Chaitanya
K, L, M, N
L, M, O, P
K, M, O, P
L, M, N, O

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Correct option is B

[K] : K3FeCN6: Fe3+ has 3d5 configuration; CN- is strong field ligand and thus four electrons are paired leaving one unpaired electron with d2sp3 hybridization and thus paramagnetic.[L]: CoNH36Cl3:Co3+ has configuration; NH3 is strong field ligand thus all six electrons are paired with d2sp3 hybridization and therefore diamagnetic.[M]: Na3Coox3: Co3+ has 3d6 configuration: C2O42− is strong field ligand and thus all the six electrons are paired with d2sp3 hybridisation and therefore diamagnetic.[N]: NiH2O6Cl2:Ni2+ has 3d8 configuration with two unpaired electrons. H2O is weak field ligand and thus sp3d2 hybridisation and paramagnetic.[O]: K2PtCN4: Pt2+ has 3d8 configuration; CN- is strong field ligand and thus all the eight electrons are paired with dsp2 hybridisation and therefore diamagnetic. [P]: ZnH2O6NO32:Zn2+ has 3d10 configuration and thus all paired showing sp3d2 hybridization and so diamagnetic.

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