The Cell Ag(s)Ag2SO4(s)Hg2SO4(aqstt)HgsSO4(s)Hg(i)∣Pt(s) has emf of 0.140V at 298K and 1 bar. Close to 298 K emf varies with temperature by 1.39 × 10-4 VK-1. How much heat is absorbed by the cell if it discharges isothermally and reversibly to deposit one gram equivalent of copper from its aqueous solution in units of KJ? (1 F = 96479 C)
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answer is 4.
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12Hg2SO4s+Ags⇌Hgl+12AgSO4sΔSΘ=F∂EΘ∂Tq =TDS = 298 × 13.41=4 KJ
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