
Consider the following statements about osmotic pressure method of molar mass determination.l. Molarity of the solution is used instead of molality.Il. Magnitude of osmotic pressure is very large even for dilute solutions.III. Molar mass of bio molecules can be determined as they are not stable at higher temperatures.IV. Determine the molar mass of polymer as they have poor solubility.Which of the above statements are responsible for advantage of osmotic pressure for determination of molar mass over the other colligative properties?

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An Intiative by Sri Chaitanya


Both I and II


Both III and lV


I, II, III and IV


None of these

answer is C.

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The osmotic pressure method has the advantage over other methods as the pressure measurement is around the room temperature and the molality of the solution is used instead of molarity. As compared to other colligative properties, its magnitude is large even for very dilute solutions. This technique of osmotic pressure for determination of molar mass of solutes is particularly useful for biomolecules as they are generally not stable at higher temperature and polymers having poor solubility.
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