The correct difference between first and second order reactions is that
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An Intiative by Sri Chaitanya
the rate of a first-order reaction does not depend on reactant concentrations; the rate of a second-order reaction does depend on reactant concentrations
the half-life of a first-order reaction does not depend on [A]0 the half-life of a second-order reaction does depend on [A]0
a first-order reaction can be catalysed; a second order reaction cannot be catalysed
the rate of a first-order reaction does depend on reactant concentrations; the rate of a second-order reaction does not depend on reactant concentrations.
answer is B.
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For the first order reaction, t1/2=0.693k which is independent of initial concentration [A]0 For second order reaction, t1/2=1k[A]0Half life depends on initial concentration of reactant.
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