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Transition elements

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By Expert Faculty of Sri Chaitanya

How many of the following pairs of ions can be separated by H2S in dilute HCl ?
Bi3+ and Sn4+, Al3+ and Hg2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+, As3+ and Sb3+


(1) A3+andHg2+H2SH+HgS(black) + Al3+(in solution)

 (2) Cu2+ and Zn2+H2SH+CuS↓ (black)+Zn2+ (in solution) 

 (3) Cd2+ and Zn2+H2sH+ CdS( yellow )+Zn2+ (in solution) 


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Column I Column II
a.Nip.Elements having same number
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b.Naq.At least 13 electrons are having
magnetic quantum number 'zero'
c.Mnr.Atom is paramagnetic
d.Pds.Element is not transition element
  t.Element having pseudo inert gas
configuration in its dispositive cation

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