
Match the items of Column I and Column II on the basis of data given below.        EF2/F−∘=2.87V,ELi+/Li∘=−3.5V,EAu3+/Au∘=1.4V,EBr2/Br−∘=1.09V

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A - 3 ; B - 1 ; C - 5 ; D - 7 ; E - 2 ; F - 4 ; G - 6


A - 3 ; B - 1 ; C - 7 ; D - 5 ; E - 4 ; F - 2 ; G - 6


A - 3 ; B - 1 ; C - 5 ; D - 7 ; E - 4 ; F - 6 ; G - 2


A - 1 ; B - 3 ; C - 5 ; D - 7 ; E - 4 ; F - 2 ; G - 6

answer is B.

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A. → (3)      B. → (1)      C. → (7)  D. →(5)  E. → (4)      F. → (2)      G. →(6)    A. F2 it a non-metal and best oxidising agent because SRP of F2 is + 2.87 V.B. Li is a metal and strongest reducing agent because SRP of Li is - 3.05 V.C. Au3+ is a metal ion which is an oxidising agent as SRP of Au3+ is +1.40 V.D. Br- is an anion that can be oxidised by Au3+ as Au3+ (Eo = 1.40) is greater than Br- (Eo = 1.09 V).E. Au is an un reactive metal.F. Li+ is a metal ion having least value of SRP (-3.05 V), hence it is the weakest oxidising agent.G. F- is an anion which is the weakest reducing agent as F- / F2 has low oxidation potential (-2.87 V).
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