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0.4 mole of CO taken in a 2 L flask is maintained along with a catalyst at 812 K so that the reaction : CO(g) + 2H2(g)  CH3OH(g) can takes place , H2 is introduced until total pressure of system  is 20 atm & 0.2 moles of CH3OH is formed at equilibrium then the correct statements among the following:

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By Expert Faculty of Sri Chaitanya
Kc of reaction is 100 M-2
Kp of reaction is 0.022 atm-2
In absence of catalyst final pressure is 33.3 atm
Total number of moles in absence of catalyst is 0.5

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Correct option is A

T = 812 K ,P = 20 atm  , V = 2 Lit.CO(g)    +         2H2(g)   →   CH3OH(g)  0.4 – x                    a- 2x            x = 0.2 mol           PV = nRT                                a = 0.6           Kc = 100         Kp=Kc  (RT)Δn,   In absence of catalyst CH3OH formation is negligible. Then total no.of mole  = nCO + nH2 = 1

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