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Uses of Boron & Aluminium

The process used for purification of bauxite ore containing high silica content as impurity is



The process is used for the bauxite ore which contain silica as major impurity [which is called white bauxite].

The powdered bauxite ore is mixed with carbon and heated at high temperature in the presence of N2 gas ,during this process AlN,CO and H2O are formed.

Hydrolysis of AlN produces Al(OH)3 and NH3 ,Al(OH)3 on strong heating produces pure Al2O3.

\large I)\,A{l_2}{O_3} + 3C + {N_2} \to 2Al{N_{(s)}} + 3CO \uparrow

\large Si{O_2} + 2C \to Si \uparrow + 2CO \uparrow

\large II)\,AlN + NaOH + 3{H_2}O \to Na[Al{(OH)_4}] + N{H_3} \uparrow

\large Na[Al{(OH)_4}] \to Al{(OH)_3} \downarrow + NaOH

\large Al{(OH)_3}\xrightarrow{\Delta }\mathop {A{l_2}{O_3}}\limits_{pure\,form} + 3{H_2}O

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