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Uses of Boron & Aluminium

The purification method used for mineral Al2O3.2H2O is


Leaching : It involves the treatment of the impure ore with a suitable reagent [NaOH] and make the reagent to react with ore and not with impurity or vice versa.


 → The red bauxite ore contains Fe2O3 as impurity ,this impurity will not react with NaOH.

→Therefore when red bauxite ore is treated with NaOH it only reacts with Al2O3 and converted to highly soluble NaAlO2.

→ while Fe2O3 donot react and seperated out  as precipitate.This precipitate can be removed by filteration.

→ The above formed NaAlO2 is diluted with water and converted to Al(OH)3 precipitate,on strong heating of Al(OH)3

gives Al2O3 (Bauxite) .

\large A{l_2}{O_3} + 2NaOH \to \mathop {\mathop {2NaAl{O_2}}\limits_{sodium\,\,\,meta\,\,alu\min ate} }\limits_{So\operatorname{lub} le} + \,{H_2}O
\large NaAl{O_2} + 2{H_2}O \to Al{(OH)_3} \downarrow + NaOH
\large 2Al{(OH)_3}\xrightarrow{\Delta }A{l_2}{O_3} \downarrow + 3{H_2}O


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