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Crystal field theory

Stabilization energy of octahedral complex with dconfiguration 

A) 1.8 with one unpaired electron

B) 1.8 with three unpaired electrons 

C) 0.8 with one unpaired electron

D) 0.8 with three unpaired electrons 


Case-I: weak field ligand, o<P

d7 , t2g5eg2 (three unpaired electrons)

CFSE = 50.4Δo+2+0.6Δo

CFSE = 0.8Δo

Case-II: strong field ligand, o<P

d7 , t2g6eg2 (one unpaired electrons)

CFSE = 60.4Δo+2+0.6Δo

CFSE = 1.8Δo

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