
The wave function ψn,l,ml is a mathematical function whose value depends upon spherical polar coordinates (r,θ,ϕ) of the electron and characterized by the quantum numbers n, l and ml. Here r is distance from nucleus, θ  is colatitude and ϕ is azimuth. In the mathematical functions given in the Table, Z is atomic number and a0 is Bohr radius.(P)  (Q) Probability density  at nucleusα1a03 For hydrogen atom, the only CORRECT combination is

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(II) (i) (Q)


(I) (iv) (R)


(I) (i) (P)


(I) (i) (S)

answer is D.

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1s ® 0  radial  nodes , no angular  component (Þ no cos q)2s ®1 radial node, , no angular  component (Þ no cos q)2pz→ 0 radial node, angular component is present (Þ no cos q)3dz2→ 0 radial node, angular component is present (Þ no cos q)a) 2s ®1radial node / coloumn(2) (i)  no radial node  Þ  wrongb) 1s ®no node plane  Þ wrongc) 1s ® no  radial node  Þ coloumn (3) ‘p’ ® 1 radial node Þ  wrongd) correct
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