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Hydrogen Peroxide

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When 20 ml of 2.5M H2O2 aqueous soultion is decomposed the S.T.P. volume of oxygen obtained is


\large {V_{{H_2}{O_2}}}\; = \;20ml


\large {M_{{H_2}{O_2}}}\; = \;2.5


\large M\; = \;n \times \frac{{1000}}{{V(in\;ml)}}


\large \eta = \;\frac{{M \times v[in\;ml]}}{{1000}}


\large \eta = \;\frac{{2.5 \times 20}}{{1000}}


\large \eta \; = \;0.05

No.of moles of H2O2 (η)=0.05moles

\large \mathop {2{H_2}{O_2}}\limits_{2\;moles} {\text{ }} \to {\text{ }}2{H_2}O + \mathop {{O_2}}\limits_{1\;moles}


\large \\2\;moles\;of\;{H_2}{O_2}\;solution\;\xrightarrow{{\;\;\Pr oduces}}\;1 \times 22400\;ml = \;22.4lit\;{O_2}

0.05 moles of H2O2 solution → ?? ml of O2


= 5 x 112
=560 ml


2ml of 2.5 H2O2 aqueous solution is on decomosition at STP produces 560 ml of O2.

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