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Which of the following statements is not correct?

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By Expert Faculty of Sri Chaitanya
Orbitals having the same energy are called degenerate orbitals.
1s orbital of H-atom is called its ground state.
Energies of subshells in H-atom increase as 1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < ………. according to Aufbau principle.
The net nuclear charge experienced by the outer electrons because of shielding by inner electrons is called effective nuclear charge.

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Correct option is C

Aufbau principle is not applicable to the case of H-atom 1e- ions like Li2+, He+ etc. Here, the energy depends only on ‘n’ value, i.e., Principal Quantum Number. So, the order of energy is1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3p = 3d < ….

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