
Which of the following statements is not true

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An Intiative by Sri Chaitanya


Boron is a non-metal while all other statements of group-13 are metals


Boron tri chloride acts as a Lewis Acid


Boron does not form the Hydrated B3+ ion


The stability of the +1 oxidation state decreases down the group where as +3 increases

answer is D.

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The stability of the +1 oxidation state increases down the group. This is because of the participation of only P-electron . The two S-electrons (S2) do not take part in the chemical reaction (Inert pair effect)For example TlCl  more stable then  TlCl3 . Because In TlCl Tl+1 is more stable then Tl+3 due to  Inert Pair effect.
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