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Direction ratios and direction cosines

The acute angle between the two lines whose direction ratios are connected by l+mn=0  and  l2+m2n2=0 is


Suppose that n=1

Hence the equations become l+m=1and l2+m2=1

Substitute m=1l in the equation  l2+m2=1and then solve for l

It implies that l=1,0 and m=0,1

Therefore, the direction ratios are 1,0,1,0,1,1

If θ is the acute angle between two lines having direction ratios a1,b1,c1and a2,b2,c2

 then cosθ=a1a2+b1b2+c1c2a12+b12+c12a22+b22+c22

Suppose that θ be the angle between the lines whose direction ratios are 1,0,1,0,1,1

Then cosθ=122=12

Therefore, the measure of angle θ is π3 

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