detailed solution
Correct option is C
Perimeter =2(2α+2cos2α) since if x=π4+α⇒y=2 sin2π4+α=2 cos 2αP=4(α+cos2α)dPdα=4(1−2sin2α)=0sin2α=122α=π6,5π6d2Pdα2=−16cos2α for maximum α=π12 if 2α=π6⇒d2Pdα2=−16cosπ6=-83<0 Area =(2α)(2cos2α)=π6×2×32=π23Similar Questions
If now match the following
Column I | Column II |
A. The number of critical points of f(x) in [-2, 2] is | P. 1 |
B. The length of the longest interval in which f(x) satisfies Rolle's theorem is | Q. 2 |
C.The number of values of ‘c’ of Rolle's Mean value theorem | R. 3 |
D. The maximum value of f(x) in [-2, 2] is | S. 0 |
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