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Planes in 3D

If P1:rn1d1=0,P2:rn2d2=0 and  P3:rn3d3=0 are three planes n1,n2 and n3 are  three non-coplanar vectors, then three lines P1 =0, P2=0; P2= 0, P3 = 0 and P3 : 0, P1 : 0 are


P1 =0, P2=0; P2= 0, P3 = 0 and P3 : 0, P1 : 0 are  lines of intersection of the three planes P 1 P2 and P3

As n1,n2 and n3  are non-coplanar, planes P1, P2 and P3 will intersect at unique point. 

So the given lines will pass through a fixed point. 

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