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Introduction to limits


Let f(x) be a polynomial satisfying limxx2f(x)2x5+3=6 and f(1)=3,f(3)=7 and f(5)=11 Then the value of |f(0)| is _______ .


Since limxx2f(x)2x5+3=6 which is finite and non-zero, f(x) must be polynomial of degree '3'.
Also f(1) = 3, f(3) = 7 and f(5) = 11
f(x)=λ(x1)(x3)(x5)+(2x+1)limxx2(λ(x1)(x3)(x5)+2x+1)2x5+3=6λ2=6λ=12   f(x)=12(x1)(x3)(x5)+(2x+1)
So, f(0) = 12(-1)(-3)(-5)+1= 179

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