First slide
Binomial theorem for positive integral Index

lf some three consecutive coefficients in the binomial expansion of (x + 1)n in powers of x are in the ratio 2 : 15 : 70, then the average of these three coefficients is


Given binomial is (x+ 1)n, whose general term, is Tr+1=nCrxr

According to the question, we have

 nCr1:nCr:nCr+1=2:15:70now, nCr1 nCr=215

n!(r1)!(nr+1)!n!r!(nr)!=215rnr+1=215 15r=2n2r+2 2n17r+2=0----i  similarly,   nCr nCr+1=1570n!r!(nr)!n!(r+1)!(nr1)!=314 r+1nr=31414r+14=3n3r 3n17r14=0----ii

On solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

n16=0n=16 and r=2

Now, the average = 16C1+16C2+16C33


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