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Straight lines in 3D

A line with direction ratios 2,1,2 intersect each of the lines  x=y+a=z and  x+a=2y=2z  the co-ordinates of each of the points of intersection are


The given lines arex1=y+a1=z1,  x+a2=y1=z1

Suppose that the line L intersect the above two lines at P,Q

The direction rations of PQ are 2,1,2

The points   Ps,sa,sand  Q2ta,t,t, these are general points on the given two lines.

 Direction ratios of  PQare  2tas,ts+a,ts, these are proportional to 2,1,2

It implies that 2tas2=ts+a1=ts2

Hence, s=3a,t=a

Therefore, the points of intersections are   P3a,2a,3a,Qa,a,a

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