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Equation of line in Straight lines

 The line x3+y4=1meets the y and x-axis at A and B, respectively. A square ABCD is constructed on the line segment AB away from the origin. The coordinates of the vertex of the square farthest from the origin are 


The coordinates of A are (0, 4) and those of B are (3, 0). 

BC=AB=32+42=5In BCL  CBL=180-90-θ=90-θsin(90-θ)=CLBCcos θ= CLBC and CL=BCcosθcos(90-θ)=BLBCor  BL=BCsinθ or  BL=5×45=4 and CL=5×35=3

 Similarly, MD=4 and AM=3 . So, the coordinates of C are (OB+BL,CL)(7,3) and those of D are (MD,OA+AM)4,7

The coordinates of the vertex farthest from the origin are (4,7). 

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