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Definition of a circle


The locus of the centre of the circles which touch both the circles x2+y2=a2 and x2+y2=4ax externally has the equation 


If the circle (xh)2+(yk)2=r2 touches both the circle x2+y2=a2 and x2+y24ax=0 externally. Then,

h2+k2=r+a and (h2a)2+k2=r+2a

    (h2a)2+k2h2+k2=a    (h2a)2+k2=a+h2+k2    (h2a)2+k2=a2+h2+k2+2ah2+k2    4ah+3a2=2ah2+k2    (3a4h)2=4h2+k212(ha)24k2=3a2

Hence, the locus of (h,k) is 12(xa)24y2=3a2

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