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Equation of line in Straight lines

A straight line through the origin O meet the parallel lines 4x + 2y = 9 and 2x + y + 6 = 0 at points P and Q respectively. The point O divides the segment PQ in the ratio


It is clear that the lines lie on opposite side of the origin O. Let the equation of any line through O be  xcosθ=ysinθ. If OP=r1 If OP=r1 and OQ=r2 then the coordinates  of p are r1cosθ,r1sinθ and that of Q are 


Since P lies on 4x+2y=9,2r1(2cosθ+sinθ)=9

and Q lies on 2x+y+6=0,-r2(2cosθ+sinθ)=-6

so that r1r2=912=34

and the required ratio is thus 3 : 4

Alternately Let the equation of the line through O be  y = mx

then coordinates of P and Q are

respectively 94+2m,9m4+2m and -62+m,-6m2+m so that


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